Press Release Summary: I believe that Craigslist is the #1 free source on the net right now for driving traffic and lead generation. There is no where else on the net where you can tap into 26 million visitors a month for free so quickly. But using Craigslist to grow your business is not a walk in the park. To learn more about how to expand your business using specific Craigslist strategies, please visit my blog at .
Press Release Body: Making money on Craigslist has become a phenomenon in the recent months. Many people have started trying to crack this giant, and tap into the huge resources it provides. What once started out as just a free classified site, has turned into a money making machine for some. According to highly accurate, Craigslist has a traffic rank of 26 in the U.S. and is receiving almost 27 million unique visitors per month. It also shows that Craigslist has a slightly biased male user base with a demographic age range of 24-35 years old. Many people do not believe that you can actually create a full time income on Craigslist. I am proof that you can.
I started trying to make money online towards the end of 2006. I struggled until I ran into Craigslist. I then began to advertise my products and services on Craigslist and immediately started making money consistently every week. I went from waiting tables at 23 years old to bringing in 1-2K a week using Craigslist as my main resource for driving traffic and lead generation. Although, Craigslist is a free classified site, do not rule out it's power to grow and increase your current business, whether online or offline. Even if you do not have a penny to start your own business, you can begin making a profit from Craigslist just by promoting affiliate products or services. The categories that get the most traffic on Craigslist in the jobs category are Sales/Biz Dev, Marketing/PR/ad, and Real Estate. Imagine getting your ad each day in front of 26 million people. If you are not currently using Craigslist, I advise you to at least consider it.
If you are currently running an online business, you are missing out by not tapping into the power of making money on Craigslist. This is one of the most powerful lead generation strategies I have ever seen. One time I posted a few ads, and received 107 requests for more information on my product. That's crazy! If you are not currently using Craigslist to expand your business, or profit in any kind of way, please visit my website at to find out specific techniques you can use to generate income from Craigslist.